Living in London part 2
Inspired by Angelika other group members brought photos along on the theme Living in London. Here are a few: by Brigitte Flock by Brigitte Flock by Carolyn by Jonny Baker…
Inspired by Angelika other group members brought photos along on the theme Living in London. Here are a few: by Brigitte Flock by Brigitte Flock by Carolyn by Jonny Baker…
At the August group meeting the theme was Living In London. Angelika Berndt gave a presentation on a project she has been working on. She says this about it... Living…
A review of our submissions for this year's BEAT project was the main subject of July's meeting. The group has been busy spending time in Blondin Park, a local open…
Following Robert's theatre photography presentation last month Jonny got an opportunity to put that into practice with a shoot of Road by Synergy Theatre Project. He showed the results at…
Congrats to Frankie whose photo abandonment has been selected for this years Royal Academy Summer Show! Do look out for it if you go.
We decided to run a little challenge whereby we were paired off into twos and each person swapped a collection of their photographs for the other person to edit/curate into…
Group member, Robert Vass, drew from his long experience working with Questors Theatre in Ealing both as a theatre photographer and as an actor, to give us a presentation on…
Robin's prints shared at January's meeting sparked this month's theme of Back In The Day. Group members brought some personal pictures and gave us all the opportunity to reflect on…
[photo copyright Sue Ridge] Group members Jonny Baker and Frankie Macallister are taking part in this year's LIP annual exhibtion. It is LIP’s 34th Annual Exhibition featuring an independent selection…
Angelika Berndt's photo Urban realities has been selected for the Leica Master shot selection and published in the Leica architecture cityscape gallery.