About Ealing LIP
We are a satellite of London Independent Photography and a forum for both amateurs and professional photographers. Our activities are designed to bring together photographers with different levels of interests and expertise who are interested in developing their personal approach to photography and improving their skills.
The group meets monthly in a relaxed way to share work and experience. At most meetings some of the group will bring work to show and get feedback, encouragement and ideas from the rest of the group. This can be scary at first but is a great way to sharpen up and develop. From time to time the group undertake a challenge together. These are always good fun and stretch us out of our comfort zones. We might focus on a theme or share experience around a particular interest (e.g. types of paper, or digital printing books), or invite a guest. The group has undertaken two exhibitions together and several individuals and sub groups have exhibited their own work and time and energy at meetings goes into planning that. A couple of the group are involved in helping organise LIP, the London wide network, so we also get feedback and news of what is happening elsewhere.
These are some of the aspirations of the group…
- It’s to share practice and get feedback on photos and personal projects.
- It’s held together by passion for photography.
- It’s to break isolation.
- It’s to learn from others, broaden experience, and contribute to others.
- It’s welcoming for all levels of experience.
We would like the following to happen…
- Share photos and receive feedback in depth rather than superficially – to aid this suggested a focus on one or two people a time which is planned ahead of time.
- People to share what inspires them.
- Talks/presentations from within the group or from those outside.
- Workshops on things of interest/relevant to the group.
- Go out on shoots or projects with a few others to learn from one another.
- Challenges/shoots as a group
- Exhibit either as a group or small groups
- Share news of exhibitions and what’s happening elsewhere