We're back as a group with a new thought provoking photography exhibition from Ealing Lip inspired by the book Trickster Makes this World by Lewis Hyde. It is part of BEAT – the wonderful Ealing art trail and we are delighted to be in a central venue.
The Rickyard, Walpole Park
Sat Sept 10th and Sun 11th 12-6pm
Mon Sept 12th to Fri 16th 1-6pm
Sat Sept 17th 12-6pm
Sun Sept 18th 12-5pm
The photographers taking part are
Jonny Baker
Richard Baker
Dorota Boisot
Chris Bellinger
Angelika Berndt
Dan Dodman
Brigitte Flock
Melissa Lestari
Ray Malcolm
Frankie McAllister
Sean McDonnell
Arun Misra
Kyun Ngui
Robin Segulem
Edmond Terakopian
Robert Vass
See the trickster page where we will be adding more details and info shortly.