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June’s meeting was an opportunity to see a variety of new work from our members.
Dorota Boisot took us on a train journey through Poland and Sean McDonnell on a road trip through the American Deep South.
Jonny Baker showed portraits of actors from the Synergy Theatre Project and images from their production Smithereens at Brixton House Theatre. 

[Images above by Dorota Boisot]

Presentation by Sean McDonnell

[Both images above by Jonny Baker]

We also had a chance to look at some striking printed work.
The Royal Photographic Society has just published a monograph of Ray Higginbottom’s rich creativity.
Fran Black introduced us to another of her fine books, this time on Uzbekistan.

We then discussed the theme for this year’s annual LIP show, Subjective : Objective. It provoked a good discussion and was nominated as a topic for one of our future meetings. We also reviewed topic ideas for the rest of the year and the group will decide on those at the next meeting. A number of members are busy with the People challenge to be presented then too.

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