Looking Back, Looking Forward

At January’s meeting we may have had the most people showing photos ever – it felt that way anyway. We spent a while reflecting on what has been a fantastic year for the group with lots of exhibiting as a whole group, in small groups, in individual shows and in the wider LIP exhibition. And the group has welcomed several new members so it feels as though there is lots of energy and (crucially) photography. Below is a selection of single images that were shown as a sort of pick of the year’s photos.

Angelika showed photos of a visit to Chad, and Edmond showed photos from Moscow State Circus whilst it was on Ealing Common.

We then spent a while looking forward and agreed to take part in BEAT again and will decide theme next time and then March meeting will be one where members share photo books they have created – looking forward to that!

The photos below are from Omar, Frankie, Dorota, Edmond, Robin, Jonny, Ali and Chris (M) respectively 

Trapeze artist Anna Rastsova collects her thoughts as she awaits her cue. Life Between The Scenes; Backstage Moments At The Moscow State Circus. Their new spectacular show, ‘Miracles’ will run from the 20th of December to the 7th of January 2018. Ealing Common, London, UK. December 24, 2017. Photo: Edmond Terakopian

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