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  • Post category:Books / Zine

It’s always satisfying to make something tangible no matter how brief or flimsy, so I create zines and booklets of various series’ or subjects as a way either of pulling a collection together, or of drawing a line under a particular project.

Urban Backgrounds is literally that, a short zine featuring a collection of images from ordinary background things I notice every day. The marks and textures on walls, floors, and windows, the peeling paint and torn curtains, damp and mould, faded graffiti, damaged render, old posters, cracks and holes, scratches and scrawls. They form the everyday background to urban life and the create abstracts of their own. 

Winter Light – a short booklet from a week of storms in the north west of Scotland.  We had only the briefest of forays out into the weather and the images are of the limited glimpses of the surrounding countryside and coast, and the views from the studio where I was staying. 

Blog post Written by Frankie MaCAllister

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