Using digital: blogs, websites and social

The group’s usual venue is being refurbished so Robert Vass generously made his home available for February’s meeting. We started the evening with new work. Frankie McAllister’s landscapes brought us into the heart of Glencoe. Arun Misra then took us through the work behind his image used on the cover of the current edition of fLIP. It was actually stimulated by a prompt from Jonny Baker’s creativity app which was great to find out about too.

[Both images above by Frankie McAllister]

[Both images above by Arun Misra]

Next we had a fascinating tour around people’s use of online to display and promote their work, sparking discussion on different template providers, how blogs can build a community and why Essex coastal towns are such fertile places for photography!

Here are links we visited

Toon Sarah travels

Arun Misra photography

Frankie Mcallister


Jonny flickr


Sean McDonnell

Robin Segulem also introduced us to some great examples of members’ work on the LIP website. It’s an inspirational place.

We just had time for Frankie to update us on a profile of Ray Higginbottom that she’s been discussing with the Ruislip LIP group that he was also a member of. The plan is to create a page on the LIP website that people can add tributes and memories to.

Finally we discussed the topic for next month, Spring. Members were invited to interpret that in any way between now and then and bring work to the meeting.

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